Bioregulatory Medicine is a health-centered therapeutic system that can also have benefits for those suffering Multiple Sclerosis and wanting to improve their condition. It aims to restore homeostasis of the whole body system. Bioregulatory therapeutic treatment is drug free and relies on the biological self-regulation of the person seeking help. Bioregulatory Medicine may additionally be used alongside your conventional medication as a complimentary therapy.

Gentle bodywork is an integral part of each individual programme. The approach is uniquely designed for each individual multiple sclerosis sufferer using several natural remedies and modalities combined to bring about overall improvement of one's health. Bioregulatory Medicine brings a protocol, to boost the biological functions of all systems.

Special consideration is given to improving the growing regulation system. (An illustration of the GRS is shown in this website's surrounding edges). Bioregulatory medicine puts the healing power of nature and Hippocrates 'Vis Medicatrix nature ‘principle (the healing power of nature),back where it belongs- into medical treatment. Our bodies do have an inherent ability to regenerate themselves. However, if we are told we are incurable we may not believe at all in our body’s ability to be healthy, and so loose hope of a direction towards health.


The Option Process® dialogue on offer is a counselling/mentoring process for personal development. You can use the dialogue when there are strong emotional factors disturbing your quality of life and so disturbing your physiology. The dialogues are based on Socrates teaching. Socrates asked probing questions to his students, to help them find their answers for themselves.

This dialogue is a type of mentoring where a person seeking help is invited to explore, using their own reasoning process.The mentor responds with questions based on what the explorer is saying. Through using the dialogue you can fully appreciate the beliefs, which fuel the responses of behaviour and emotions.

As a result you can choose to drop any self-defeating beliefs which undermine your overall homoeostasis. Finding answers for yourself though the dialogue empowers you as an individual to become your own best expert on making your life choices. Having MS can tend to lead an individual to feel like a victim of powers outside of themselves.


earning how to regulate the emotions, and understand the relationship of pschyo/neuro/endocrine/immunology (PNEI science) can also have a profound effect on healing the nervous system and boosting the immune system. Using acupressure points for PNEI is another process that is easy to learn to use on a daily basis. The Alexander Technique is taught on a one to one basis and is phycho/physical learning process. Learning to bring conscious control into the process of movement helps co-ordination, poise and balance for people with MS. The strange sensory experiences of an impaired nervous system can often produce bewildering and frightening sensations. Learning the Alexander Technique brings a foundation of confidence in movement. There is a primary control within the head, neck and back that can be consciously incorporated into daily used to improve health, as how we use the mind and body effects our functioning.

Get it now for $1.99 on the app store!

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This is some text inside of a div block.